Archive for April 9, 2013

the Organic Review: Mark Your Calendars – Worldwide March Against Monsanto in May | Spread Liberty News

Marches and rallies organized by anti-GMO and anti-Monsanto grassroots organizations have become popular in recent years for not just the U.S. but also other countries as well.

The latest event coming up is expected to be a big one, considering it is a worldwide march. On May 25th, 135 March Against Monsanto events are scheduled to take place in nearly 20 countries and more than 100 cities in the U.S.

via the Organic Review: Mark Your Calendars – Worldwide March Against Monsanto in May | Spread Liberty News.

EU bereitet Richtlinie für Blitz-Zugriff auf Bank-Konten vor | DEUTSCHE WIRTSCHAFTS NACHRICHTEN

Der Bank-Kunde sieht erst am Montagmorgen, dass sein Konto belastet wurde.

via EU bereitet Richtlinie für Blitz-Zugriff auf Bank-Konten vor | DEUTSCHE WIRTSCHAFTS NACHRICHTEN.

Tell John Kerry ‘No tar sands, no KXL!’ when he visits London

Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

08:00 (UTC+01)

On the corner of Pall Mall and Marlborough Road


Soon, US Secretary of State John Kerry will make a fateful decision. He will decide whether or not to give the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline the go-ahead. If built, the massive KXL pipeline would be a fuse to one of the biggest carbon bombs in the world: Canada’s immense and polluting tar sands. Climate scientist James Hansen has said that fully exploiting the tar sands would be “game over for the climate.”

The KXL is intended for export, so if Kerry approves it, it will open the floodgates to filthy tar sands oil flowing into the UK. It’s in all our interests to stop this.

John Kerry will be in London on Thursday 11th April for a G8 meeting. We plan to be there when he arrives, to give him a clear message: reject the KXL, keep tar sands out of Europe!

Over the last few weeks in the US, Kerry and President Obama have been met wherever they go by people with the same No KXL message. Let’s stand in solidarity with Canada’s First Nations, our US allies, and everyone already suffering the effects of climate change, and show Secretary Kerry that this is a global concern.


The plan is to create a tableau of people and messages that Kerry (and, indeed, the Canadian foreign minister) will see as he drives past. We will bring some placards but it would be great if people can make their own. We will post some ideas of potential slogans a bit nearer the time.

We are meeting at 8 to arrange ourselves on the route holding our signs and banners, and the police (who know we’re coming and are cool with it) have told us he could drive past anytime from 8.30, so we don’t know exactly what time we’ll be done. We will then go to Buckingham Palace (just around the corner) and do a photo shoot of us and our messages! Our allies in the US have said they will work hard to let the US media know that this is happening, so we want to get some really good photos on the day to send to them.


Supported by:

UK Tar Sands Network,, Healthy Planet UK, Push Europe, UKYCC, Campaign Against Climate Change, Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth, World Development Movement, The Climate and Health Council, People & Planet, Occupy London: Energy, Equity and Environment group, Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Climate Rush

via Tell John Kerry ‘No tar sands, no KXL!’ when he visits London.

March Against Monsanto – May 25, 2013

Monsanto ist von allen Gesundheits- und Umweltschutzgesetzen per präsidentialer Unterschrift ausgenommen!

On May 25, activists around the world will unite to March Against Monsanto.

************ March Against Monsanto – Vienna ************
************  25. Mai ************

Why do we march?

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Paris will Giftstoff in Kassenbons EU-weit verbieten lassen – Baby – › Familie

Die Chemikalie Bisphenol A verändere den Hormonhaushalt, schädige die Nerven und sei krebserregend – Das sei eine Gefahr für werdende Mütter

via Paris will Giftstoff in Kassenbons EU-weit verbieten lassen – Baby – › Familie.

Suddenly, NYPD Doesn’t Love Surveillance Anymore | Alternet

Law enforcement agencies monitor our most basic acts. But try assigning them a watchdog and they resist with fury.

via Suddenly, NYPD Doesn’t Love Surveillance Anymore | Alternet.

Visit our News Center Page for All the Coverage of the Arkansas Exxon Oil Spill

The pipeline, called the Pegasus, leaked for about 45 minutes, according to local sources. Exxon has recovered 185,000 gallons of oil and water at site.

via Visit our News Center Page for All the Coverage of the Arkansas Exxon Oil Spill.

Thank You Exxon: Mayflower, Arkansas’ New Oil Lake

Monsanto’s Next Target: Democracy | Alternet

The battle for food sovereignty is a battle we cannot afford to lose.

via Monsanto’s Next Target: Democracy | Alternet.

Öl-Leck in Arkansas – Exxon Mobil vertuscht Umweltschäden – Politik – Sü

Journalisten müssen draußen bleiben: Der Ölkonzern Exxon Mobil versucht, im Süden der USA die Folgen eines Pipelinelecks zu verschleiern. Reporter werden mit Haftstrafen bedroht, es gilt eine Flugverbotszone. Trotzdem gibt es Bilder und Videos der Umweltverschmutzung – weil Aktivisten sich wehren.

via Öl-Leck in Arkansas – Exxon Mobil vertuscht Umweltschäden – Politik – Sü

Thatchers Staatsbegräbnis soll privatisiert werden | Telepolis

Eine entsprechende Internetpetition unterzeichneten bereits über 21.000 Briten

via Thatchers Staatsbegräbnis soll privatisiert werden | Telepolis.

Nachrichten zum Thema Gentechnik

„In Harmonie mit Menschen und Natur“, so lautet das Firmenmotto der japanischen Suntory Holding. Der Konzern verkauft vor allem Alkohol und Limonaden wie „Orangina“, aber auch Fast-Food und Blumen.

via Nachrichten zum Thema Gentechnik.

Facebook gewinnt Rechtsstreit um Pseudonym-Nutzung – Facebook – › Web

Klarnamenzwang auf Facebook per Gerichtsurteil legitim

via Facebook gewinnt Rechtsstreit um Pseudonym-Nutzung – Facebook – › Web.

Videoüberwachung: Die Polizei, dein Freund und Kameramann | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE

Die Waffenfirma Taser verkauft Minikameras, die Polizisten am Brillengestell tragen können. Die Beamten werden zu Überwachern und Überwachten.

via Videoüberwachung: Die Polizei, dein Freund und Kameramann | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE.

Krieg der Reichen gegen die Armen

Petition unterstützen: Ein Jahr Hartz IV für den britischen Arbeitsminister Iain Duncan Smith

via Krieg der Reichen gegen die Armen.