One Collective Peace

GMO vs. OrganicThe Best Ironic Statement  

GMO Foods: Why We Shouldn’t Label (Or Worry About) Genetically Modified Products

This is a topic that really “grinds my gears” : The GMO discussion. I tend to read and research till my head reaches maximum capacity on this topic. I am no doctor or scientist, but I can tell you I have 21 years pharmacy experience, 8 year GMO researcher and lifetime spiritual truth seeker amongst other things.  I believe in the fiber of my being that everyone has the free-will right to know what is really going into their food, water, environment, ect. I believe we have the right to decide for ourselves what we want. If God has to “abide by the free will law” then, why don’t humans give that same respect to each other in this same manner? If there isn’t anything wrong with GMO food, then why shouldn’t they be labeled as…

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[…] The Best Ironic Statement GMO Foods: Why We Shouldn’t Label (Or Worry About) Genetically Modif… ( […]

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